Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Friday, July 22, 2011

Macy's Music Fest/ Jazz Fest Weekend Afterparties!

Now you know ony DJ Funeral Fresh, yes its me, is spinning only at the most exclusive afterparties during Jazz Fest Weekend. Check it out, Friday I will be spinning at the old Passage Nightclub 601 Main Street! Now at this party it will be all type of celebrities and entertainers in the VH1's Love & Hip Hop cast Emily B (rapper Fabolous Baby Mother) and Chrissy Lampkin (rapper Jim Jones Fiance), also pro athletes like NBA's Ruben Patterson, Daequan Cook and NFL's Renardo Foster, Ramon Foster, and John Henderson! Now it will be alot more but one its too much type and two I dont wanna spoil the surprises so be there!

Now Saturday, my favorite day to party, I will be spinning at THRIVE brought to you by the people who bring you the most exclusive, the most fashion savvy, they bring out all the beautiful women in the tristate, of course Hard 2 Knock Shoppe! This will be held at the Freedom Center right next door to the Bengals Stadium! Here you will find the baddest women EVEEEEERRRRRRRRRR at a Hard To Knock Shoppe party! Shoutout to Corey for keeping me in rotation for his parties...he always come thru with the sponsors such as Jaguar, Parish Nation, Vitamin Water, Land Rover (my favorite SUV brand) and more. Keep in mind this is the party where you aare the cleanist you ever been, NOT A STAIN ON ME! You'll catch A-list celebrities and entertainers at his parties all the time so be there cause im spinning!

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Yesterday me & Lamon had a 6 hour studio session to record as much as possible for future mixtapes/ LPs. got about 30 songs recorded...decided to leak a few freestyles from the session. Right here is a freestyle cover to Lauryn Hill's "That Thing" off the #ImNotWritin4 subtitle (yes there's a subtitle lol) Wordz From The Skyyy. This nigga gets high all day everyday and change the title again hahahaha. Click here to download Lamon - Watch Out.mp3